Journey of an Angel
I am not sure what prompted me to click the button and sign up to
become an Ainsley’s Angel. I know I was
nervous after submitting the form – the website states, “Do you have what it
takes to be an Ainsley’s Angel?” As I
stared at the computer I wondered, do I???
Of course, I received an email almost immediately from the Florida
Ambassador, Jodi Stoner:
Hello Jill, I just
received your registration for Ainsley's Angels in Florida!!!! So excited for
you to join our team... you will be blessed in so many wonderful ways!!!!!
Uh oh, it’s real now. My
excitement and anxiety skyrocketed!

I am beyond grateful and honored every time
I lace up to challenge
myself, my Angel Athlete and fellow Angels to create an amazing experience that
will carry us to the finish line!
I am hopelessly addicted and I LOVE every minute of it!
As I try to sum up my feelings, this quote a friend posted comes to
"Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received, but only what you have given: a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage." -St. Francis of Assisi
We all have an inner Angel waiting to unfurl their wings.
Thank you Run Jodi for freeing mine!
Together We Shall