Sunday night was a tough run. Surprisingly not physically tough, but mentally. This past weekend was the start of back to back runs in preparation for the Pinellas Trail Challenge (as I will lovingly now refer to as the PTC;). Not to be confused with the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail - 2,663 miles) which Cheryl Strayed (portrayed by Reese Witherspoon) hikes a portion of in the movie Wild.
Small side note about the Pinellas Trail and then back to why the run was challenging... while researching when the Courtney Campbell Causeway trail will officially open on the Pinellas side-see blog post from Saturday as to why this was on my mind (June 19th for those wondering); I discovered an "under construction" map of the Pinellas Trail. I knew additions to the trail were under way but I was unaware of of the scale of the project. New trail appendages along the east side of the Pinellas peninsula will connect the recent East/West add on to the current North/South trail creating a loop of the county. Once the loop is complete, the trail will total 74.9 miles (seriously, wouldn't you add 0.1 and make it 75?). I am so happy we are running the PTC now, hahaha~ Here's a map of the new county loop.
Anyway, back to Sunday's run. I was tired from 18 holes of golf (plug for Chi Chi Rodriguez Golf Course--Mother's Day discount!) and tired from 10 miles on Saturday and not ready for the weekend to end! I was hoping to nap and recharge, but could not sleep. So I laced up my shoes and grabbed my freshly charged iPod;)
The temperature was still in the 80's at 6:30pm but it did not feel near as hot as Saturday--there was a wonderful breeze and no direct sun overhead. I decided on a quick 5 mile out and back to the Safety Harbor Pier. We are very lucky this amazing gem is just 2.5 miles from our house! It's not the most scenic route until you arrive at the Pier but I wanted simple and mind numbing. As mentioned earlier, I was tired and my legs felt heavy. I started moving my legs and began the mental Arnold Schwarzenegger "Terminator" type bodily assessment that seems to happen without thought. I was feeling ok; however, as my scan moved from head to toe, my knee appeared on my mental monitor flashing red. This I must confess was due to a ridiculous American Ninja Warrior move I tried to execute on the last hole of golf. Let's just say I'm no longer 20 or 30 for that matter and should not jump small tributaries in a single bound.
Anyway, as I was jogging along with the scan complete, my mind started wander. I was missing our friends which also double as running/up for anything partners. I used to love running solo but the longer I've run the more I crave company (even if silent). I know that may sound odd, but knowing someone is with you can make or break a run. You know if you're tired, they are tired. You are hot and they are looking for shade with you. They have aches and pains which makes you feel good if you don't currently hurt or allows you to share and discuss resting strategies you will never follow through on;) Or you run along together quietly and then open up like chatter boxes once the run is done to rehash the experience-good, bad, ugly!
It was the solo run Saturday and now again Sunday that had me feeling lonely. Although there were plenty of cars buzzing past me and my music kicking, the road ahead seemed desolate. It was then that my shadow caught my eye. It seemed to jump out at me to say, "Hey, you are not alone". Stride for stride my shadow matched pace and kept me moving forward. She was my silent companion and perfect partner to push me to my destination. Instead of counting my steps and checking my watch, I was gliding along fully engaged in the run.
I took one last look at the water and headed home. My shadow was now gone but the intimacy remained.
photo credit: Running shadow via photopin (license)
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